Award Nomination!


I am exceedingly grateful to Mozer, the creator of an amazing blog named Hasidic for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Through poetry and musings Mozer has brought a number of fascinating discussions and questions to the forefront of my mind, and I would recommend his fantastic blog to all of my followers. Here are the rules of the award;

1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 11 blogs.
5. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Mozer asked me the following questions;

1. What are you most afraid of?
I’m afraid of many things, from losing someone I love to being killed in a fire, but I suppose I am most afraid of change.

2. What are you most proud about yourself?
I’m not a proud person, but I am proud of what I’ve achieved over the past year or so, given the circumstances I’ve been living with.

3. If you can change something significant in your life, what would it be?
I would want to rid myself of the depression which has blighted my life for the past decade.

4.What was he silliest thing youโ€™ve done?
Attempting to ice skate last year. It was one of the most painful and embarrassing things ever.

5. You eat heavy breakfasts?
No, I don’t.

6. If you need to do with less food or sleep which would you rather give up?
I would definitely give up the food. I want to lose weight and I need a lot of sleep to function.

7. If you can meet anyone thatโ€™s alive today, who would it be?
The person I love, who I haven’t seen for a few weeks and whom I already miss.

8. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
Definitely an introvert.

9. What is you best post (in your opinion) and why?
‘The Gift of Life’- later renamed ‘The Power of Saying Thanks’- because it was published by my favourite website,!

10. Do you get drunk ever?
Only if there’s a whisky kiddush at shul…

11. What inspires you?
The people around me who have kept going despite their hardships, and who have made me want to keep going, too.

Now for the eleven random facts about myself, which- believe me- I’d rather not share!

1. I want to get paid to write for a Jewish magazine or website.
2. I prefer being with a small group of people I trust than in a large crowd.
3. I only listen to Jewish music.
4. I study the Tanya every day but don’t feel I understand it.
5. I’ve changed my mind about marriage and want to get married soon.
6. I’m definitely addicted to Facebook.
7. I love going to shul on Shabbes.
8. My friends accuse me of acting like a stereotypical Jewish mother.
9. Have lived in the same house all my life.
10. I spend most of my time indoors.
11. I believe that prayer is a very powerful tool.

I would like to nominate another 11 blogs for the Liebster award so that they can take part, too.

1. Safek
2. Cooking For The Time Challenged
3. Kool Kosher Kitchen
4. Meir Weiss
5. Beauty Beyond Bones
6. Code In Fig
7. Vika Herbs
8. Coming Out Of The Exodus
9. Jewish Books Are Awesome
10. Rebecca Radish
11. Alicia

And finally, here are eleven questions for you to answer;

1. When did you start blogging?
2. Why do you write?
3. What is your favourite holiday or festival?
4. What is your greatest ambition?
5. If you could have any one thing what would it be?
6. What was the best day of your life?
7. What is your favourite season?
8. Do you enjoy reading?
9. What is your job?
10. What is your favourite recipe?
11. What makes you want to wake up each morning?

Thanks once again to Mozer for his nomination, thank you to all of my readers, and thank you to those who have inspired me to keep writing.

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