Gut Shabbes! (Korach)

This Shabbes, we read the Sedra named after Korach, the rebellious Israelite who sparked a mass rebellion. In light of Korach’s actions, which caused division and heartbreak, we need to look at Moshe Rabbenu’s reaction. Just like the Rebbe, who was the focus of my dvar Torah this week, Moshe sought to create unity where there was none. And that spark of Moshe Rabbenu lives on in each of us.

This Shabbes, utilise that spark. Bring people together. Host someone for a meal or two, invite people to your house, or simply strike up a conversation with someone at the kiddush on Shabbes morning. Our actions carry and immense amount of power- the power of unity. Let’s build bridges between all of klal Yisroel, and, through our unity and mitzvos, hasten the arrival of Moshiach, speedily and in our days iyH!

In London, Shabbes candles should be lit at 9:04 PM today, and Shabbes ends at 10:36 PM tomorrow. When lighting your candles, please keep in mind Chaim Elozor ben Baila, Moshe ben Hadasa, Moshe ben Genya, Chashachana bas Bryna and Shai bas Odeya. Thank you, and gut Shabbes!

4 thoughts on “Gut Shabbes! (Korach)

  1. This is also where we learn the difference between argument L’shmo and Lo L’shmo. Korach’s argument was caused by pure aggrandizement drive, fueled by jealousy. However, if there is a true Machloikos L’shmo, such as between HIllel and Shammai, it is a mitzvah to participate, or at least to learn it.
    Gut Shabbos!

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