
I admit that I’ve been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award before. But firstly, you can never have too many nominations, and secondly, the questions are totally different this time round, so I thought I’d give it a try. I’m massively thankful to the wonderful blogger kawaiipeachgrl who nominated me- even after I totally forgot to nominate her the first time round! Thank you so much for doing this. I’m also thankful to Okoto Enigma for creating this fantastic award.

If I’ve nominated you, the rules are as follows;

List the rules.
Put the award logo/image in your blog.
Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
Tell your readers three things about yourself.
Nominate 10-20 people.
Notify your nominees.
Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice with one weird or funny question (specify)
Share a link to your best posts

Next, I’ll answer Kawaii’s five questions for me, before introducing myself and posing my own questions to the nominees.

1. What is one place you would love to live in the future?

Central London. I know this sounds crazy, considering I already live there, but it’s the best. We have a great bus system, great tube system, loads of brilliant shops, free museums and galleries, and best of all my lovely shul.


2. How did you decide your blog name?

I’ll be honest. Ironically enough, I didn’t put too much thought into it! It was just “there”, on the tip of my tongue.

3. Do you have a favourite shop?

I do, actually. It’s this Judaica shop called Jerusalem the Golden. It sells Jewish books, gifts, cards and the suchlike. I’m also a huge fan of All Aboard charity shops as they support a number of great charities, such as Great Ormond Street Hospital.


4. Whats your favourite make-up brand?

Make Up Academy by Superdrug. Great prices- just Ā£1 for a lipstick, which is pretty great when you have a load of books you want to buy. I also love Max Studio (by TK Maxx, I believe)- their lipsticks are really long lasting so I often wear them on shabbes.

5. What’s your dream job?

Difficult one. If we’re talking fantasies, probably something to do with Chabad. More realistically, writing. So how about writing for Chabad (and to add another layer of fantasy, being paid good money to do it)?!

Next, 3 things about myself. Firstly, I’m an Orthodox Jew (who’d have guessed?!). Secondly, I live in London, England. And finally, although I love my blog, I do want to write professionally one day- as a journalist or author. Now for my five questions for the nominees;

1. What’s one small thing you’re thankful for?
2. Do you prefer books or music?
3. What’s your best tip for successful blogging?
4. What was the best day of your life?
5. Do you believe in a Creator?

And now, my ten nominees. I am very sorry if I nominated you before absent-mindedly; take it as a compliment, please. I’m also sorry if I forgot to nominate you. You can still do the award!

  1. Kool Kosher Kitchen
  2. Frummy Mummy
  3. Empress 2 Inspire
  4. Sableyes
  5. Vika Herbs
  6. Sabiscuit’s Catalog
  7. Coming Out Of The Exodus
  8. Tangible Triumph
  9. Cooking For The Time Challenged
  10. Rebecca Radish



And, the links to my ‘best’ posts (same as last time);

  1. Why Prayer Is So Important To Me
  2. Why Do I Write?
  3. The Rebbe’s Yahrzeit and the Mitzvah Of Torah Study


I hope IĀ  haven’t forgotten anything. Thanks again to the wonderful Kawaiipeachgrl!



7 thoughts on “Nomination!

  1. Congratulations on a very well deserved award! I wish you continuing success – keep on blogging!
    Thank you for nominating me; it is a No-awards blog policy, I will try to make an exception here, It may take a little time, though – I hope you do not get offended!
    Be well,

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