18 Minutes to Sundown

18 minutes to sundown,

On a hot summer’s day.

I didn’t think darkness would ever come,

But now I don’t know if the sunlight will.

I looked up at the sky and laughed,

Because I loved the future like a child.

Tomorrow was mine,

I was free as a bird,

And I knew it would go my way.

I kindled my lights,

And I touched the soft cotton,

And a melody came into my mind.

I dreamed of the next day,

And the one after that,

And thanksgiving sat on my tongue.

There were words of praise

And fleeting joy,

A joy which I should’ve seen through.

But I lived in the moment,

And I don’t regret it,

And I can’t wait to kindle the lights once more.

Maybe tomorrow,

Maybe some day soon,

Maybe only in my dreams.


~Gut Shabbes~

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